The early bird rate for registrations to Predictive Analytics World London, Nov 15-16 2010, runs out this Friday. Offering savings of £300 per pass, now is the time to sign up and benefit from informative sessions, exhibitions from key predictive analytics vendors and excellent networking opportunities.

Top Keynotes:

John F. Elder, Ph.D.
CEO and Founder,
Elder Research, Inc.

The High ROI of Data Mining for Innovative Organizations

Usama Fayyad, Ph.D.
CEO, Open Insights
Former Chief Data Officer,Yahoo!
Search Marketing & Predictive Analytics

Eric Siegel, Ph.D.
Conference Chair,
Predictive Analytics World
Five Ways Predictive Analytics Cuts Enterprise Risk

PAW focuses on concrete examples of deployed predictive analytics. Hear from the horse’s mouth precisely how FT 500 analytics competitors and other top practitioners deploy predictive modelling, and what kind of business impact it delivers. See the agenda at-a-glance here.

Click here to register