I was honored to have my book, Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die reviewed by Richard Boire (of the Boire Filler Group) in the Journal of Marketing Analytics. Here is an excerpt from the review.
This book is really the first book on data mining or predictive analytics that attempts to communicate the impact of predictive analytics to our society at large. Historically, the rationale for not reaching out to the general audience was that data mining and predictive analytics were specialized areas of expertise that would only be of interest to its practitioners and academics. There was no real sense of its tremendous significance within our everyday lives and more importantly, the benefits that were conferred by this discipline. The knowledge/information revolution has changed the paradigm and how we view this new discipline. This book does an excellent job in reinforcing the growing impact of this discipline as the author, Eric Siegel, in what is often referred to as a very dry topic, transforms it into a discipline with wide appeal and interest among all sectors of society.
Examples abound throughout the book in all sectors as the author explores the impact of predictive analytics on everyday facets all of us face during the course of our normal day…
This book is a must read for the normal lay person presuming there is interest in how society can best use information in our evergrowing Big Data world. At the same time, the seasoned practitioner will appreciate the real-world examples.
Click here to read the full review at Journal of Marketing Analytics (paid access only).