Predictive Analytics World is Feb 16-17 in San Francisco. Here’s what people are saying about it.
“PAW was one-of-a-kind. Typically any type of thought leadership conference might be 90% generalized or theoretical sessions, whereas PAW was almost all strategic/tactical sessions. It is the only conference I have attended thus far that has challenged me to take my strategic and analytical thinking to the next level.”
Jared Vestal
Director of Marketing Analytics
“This is the Analytical Conference for real analysts and I’m planning to recommend it to my colleagues.”
Stephen Yu
VP Database Strategies
infoUSA National Account Division
“We left San Francisco with a long list of actionable items-can’t wait to see what’s on tap for next year!”
Michael C. Foroobar
Sr. Associate – Strategy, Reporting, and Analytics
Read detailed blog entries about PAW
The sascom magazine blog interviewed me (Eric Siegel, PAW Conference Chair) about trends in predictive analytics and the upcoming PAW, and I answered these questions:
- What trends do you see in predictive analytics?
- What are the top ways you see people dealing with the growing complexity of problems they need to solve?
- How will the February Predictive Analytics World conference differ from previous conferences? Why should we attend?
Also, Michael Berry of Data Miners posted a blog interview with me (Eric Siegel, PAW Conference Chair), which gets a bit more personal and technical.
More information about Predictive Analytics World