Predictive Analytics World, Feb 16-17 in San Francisco, is the only cross-vendor conference on the commercial deployment of predictive analytics, and delivers an unprecedented line-up of brand name case studies and speakers.

For example, check out this exciting, insightful keynote coming from Andreas Weigend:

Keynote – February 16, 2010, 1:30pm
Predictive Power Part II: Advanced Analytics in the New Data Economy

Speaker: Andreas S. Weigend, Ph.D., Former Chief Scientist,

Welcome to the New Data Economy, bringing new rules, reason and requirements to the commercial data miner. What’s new? The relentless focus on value for the consumer, corresponding new revenue models, and ubiquitous data collection capabilities are here to stay, delivering a whole new world of opportunity and challenge for the practitioner of advanced analytics.

Mobile. The mobile device delivers new power in its omnipresent capacity to collect behavioral data – including device use, sound (voice quality), and movement (geo-location) – and, in turn, to influence behavior. iPhone apps such as RedLaser are “killer,” putting the consumer first by letting the user scan barcodes and compare prices and alternatives on the go. Mobile application Boy Ahoy proves looks also can “kill,” combining online dating with geolocation so you can “predictively score” with the guy standing right next to you.

Explicit data collection. No enterprise is more consumer-centric than the social network, which first and foremost incents users to explicitly volunteer personal information, and goes from there to facilitate interactive behavior – such as virtual gifting. Explicit data empowers analysis beyond the implicitly-conveyed consumer data businesses traditionally track. Boundaries between the private and the public have disappeared or been re-negotiated: At the key of Facebook’s functionality is the distribution of “news” in mutually agreed “friendships.”

Virtual gifting. Revenue is generated from “thin air” – and new data is collected – with a new economy of intention amongst consumers such as Facebook users, who pay to communicate attention or demonstrate affection by buying virtual flowers and other such goodies composed of nothing more than pixels on the screen of the beloved and all of their and the gifter’s friends, thereby providing a quickly-escalating revenue model that competes with paid ads.

Virtual currency. Similarly, online gamers log on for free, but fork over real cash to buy weapons and armor. Such virtual currency provides an incentive for users to exhibit behavior that is good for the ecosystem.

Social data. Telecom – both mobile and otherwise – and social networks deliver a rich new data set that reveals what can be predicted from the behavior of one’s friends (see also the “Social Data” track of conference sessions, just 20 minutes after this keynote address).

Cross-vendor data. Social networks and travel option aggregators track consumer trends across vendor – Priceline is privy to more consumers’ behavior than any individual hotel chain or airline. These are the new consumer-centric data collectors.

In this keynote, learn from the former Chief Scientist of how to:

  • Position the deployment of predictive models within the New Data Economy so that new opportunities are leveraged, new value propositions are pursued, and the escalating requirements of commercial deployment are met.
  • Focus on the new data opportunities, not only the analytical methods, given the New Data delivered by consumer-centric business and technology, such as mobile, explicit, social and cross-vendor data.

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