I was honored to have my book, Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die reviewed by The Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Here is an excerpt from the review.
Review of Predictive Analytics in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Can computers learn? How can computers increase our predictive capacities? If you've always wondered about these questions, Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die is for you!
We seem to be obsessed with prediction. We'd love to predict and know what will happen in our future. We go to palm readers, read our horoscopes daily or weekly, and feast upon fortune cookies to get some idea, however, inaccurate, of what may happen to us in the future.
But is prediction of this sort accurate? Regardless, people are very interested in this type of prediction and will spend any money and effort to achieve it.
Most people don't really know what predictive analytics means and how anyone can be interested in such a mysterious discipline. But after reading Eric Siegel's book, readers will find this a mesmerizing and fascinating study. I know I did! And given my background in philosophy, I was entranced by the book.
Predictive analytics is intuitive, powerful, and awe-inspiring. A little bit of prediction can go a long way towards combatting financial risk, fortifying healthcare, conquering spam, toughing crime fighting, and boosting sales. It can even be used to predict when someone is going to die.
Click here to read the full review at The Seattle Post-Intelligencer.com.