Predictive Analytics
Welcome to the next episode of The Machine Learning Times Executive Editor Eric Siegel’s podcast, The Doctor Data Show. Click here for all episodes and links to listen on your preferred platform. The Accuracy Fallacy and the Media’s Bogus Coverage of AI Podcast episode description: Misleading headlines abound, claiming that machine learning can “accurately” predict criminality,
In anticipation of his upcoming keynote presentation at Predictive Analytics World Healthcare, Las Vegas, June 19-24, 2022, we asked David Talby, PhD, Chief Technology Officer at John Snow Labs, a few questions about their deployment of predictive analytics....
With his newest book release, Winning The Room: Creating and Delivering an Effective Data-Driven Presentation, we asked Bill Franks a few questions about what led to his writing the book and what the book is about. Bill...
Originally published in Marca, Feb 3, 2022. For over a decade, Russia has been at the forefront of disinformation farms that spread all over the world. Their main goal is to destabilize countries and meddle with election processes...
Originally published in JDSupra, March 3, 2022. The US Copyright Office Review Board (“Board”) rejected a request to register a computer-generated image of a landscape for copyright protection, explaining that a work must be created by a...
By: David Patterson, Distinguished Engineer, Google Research, Brain Team
Originally published in Google AI Blog, Feb 15, 2022. Machine learning (ML) has become prominent in information technology, which has led some to raise concerns about the associated rise in the costs of computation, primarily the carbon footprint,...
Welcome to the very first episode of Machine Learning Times Executive Editor Eric Siegel’s podcast, The Doctor Data Show. Click here for all episodes and links to listen on your preferred platform. Models Are Rarely Deployed – an...
The Good: American economist Robert Shiller wrote of economic bubbles in his best-selling book, Irrational Exuberance. Shiller illuminates “why it is so difficult for smart money to profit by betting against bubbles.” He writes that “psychological contagion promotes a...
Originally published in KDnuggets. The latest KDnuggets poll reconfirms today’s dire industry buzz: Very few machine learning models actually get deployed. In this article, I’ll summarize the poll results and argue that this pervasive failure of...
Originally posted on Twitter Engineering, Sept 21, 2021. In October 2020, people on Twitter raised concerns that the saliency model we used to crop images didn’t serve all people equitably. Shortly thereafter, we published our algorithmic bias assessment which...