Originally pubished in Medium, March 13, 2020 March is Women’s History Month in the US, the UK and Australia, a time to honour women’s sometimes underrated contributions to society. According to the US National Women’s History Museum, Women’s History Month started in 1978 as a local “Women’s History Week” celebration in California, with organizers selecting
Originally published in University of Chicago News, March 11, 2020 OI, Computer Science scholars collaborate on program to read cuneiform tablets. Twenty-five centuries ago, the “paperwork” of Persia’s Achaemenid Empire was recorded on clay tablets—tens of thousands...
Originally pubished in Medium, Sept 17, 2019. What do we want to optimize for? Most of the businesses fail to answer this simple question. Every business problem is a little different, and it should be optimized differently....
Originally published in a16z.com February 16, 2020 At a technical level, artificial intelligence seems to be the future of software. AI is showing remarkable progress on a range of difficult computer science problems, and the job of...
Originally published in Medium, January 23, 2020 Note: Google’s new dataset search tool was publicly released on January 23rd, 2020. Here’s what you need to know about the largest data repository in the world. Google recently released...
Originally published in VentureBeat, January 28, 2020 While the burgeoning urban micromobility movement offers many advantages over traditional transport, the unbridled proliferation of electric bikes and scooters also comes with major downsides — such as cluttered and...
Originally published in StatNews, January 29, 2020 Artificial intelligence is not going to stop the new coronavirus or replace the role of expert epidemiologists. But for the first time in a global outbreak, it is becoming a...
Originally published in KDNuggets, January, 2020. Deepfakes have instilled panic in experts since they first emerged in 2017. Microsoft and Facebook have recently announced a contest to identify deepfakes more efficiently. Deepfakes, videos where a person’s...