Originally published in The Wall Street Journal, Nov 3, 2020. AI systems can unfairly penalize certain segments of the population—especially women and minorities. Researchers and tech companies are figuring out how to address that. As artificial intelligence spreads into more areas of public and private life, one thing has become abundantly clear: It can be
Originally published in The Verge, Nov 3, 2020. The retail giant has ended a contract with Bossa Nova Robotics. Retail robots that can scan shelves and update inventory have been one of the most visible faces of...
Originally published in IEEE Spectrum, Nov 4, 2020. Based on a cellphone-recorded cough, machine learning models accurately detect coronavirus even in people with no symptoms. Again and again, experts have pleaded that we need more and faster...
Originally posted to Wired.com, Oct 11, 2020. Researchers found they could stop a Tesla by flashing a few frames of a stop sign for less than half a second on an internet-connected billboard. Safety concerns over automated...
Originally published in MIT News, Oct 29, 2020. Results might provide a convenient screening tool for people who may not suspect they are infected. Asymptomatic people who are infected with Covid-19 exhibit, by definition, no discernible physical...
Originally published in Wired.com, October 2, 2020. Algorithms can help diagnose a growing range of health problems, but humans need to be trained to listen. Nurse Dina Sarro didn’t know much about artificial intelligence when Duke University...
Originally posted to DiscoverMagazine, July 24, 2020. Deep learning eats so much power that even small advances will be unfeasible give the massive environmental damage they will wreak, say computer scientists. Deep in the bowels of the...
Originally published in Ars Technica, Aug 6, 2020. Apple AI chief and ex-Googler John Giannandrea dives into the details with Ars. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) now permeate nearly every feature on the iPhone, but...