Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
The 3 Things You Need To Know About Predictive AI
 Originally published in Forbes, June 29, 2024. Some problems are...
Alphabet Uses AI To Rush First Responders To Disasters—Takeaways For Businesses
 Originally published in Forbes, July 7, 2024. The National Guard...
Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
 “Nearly half of S&P 500 companies have talked about...
Predictive AI Streamlines Operations In This Surprisingly Simple Way
 Originally published in Built In, May 22, 2024. Your...

Industry News

Social Security to step up fraud detection with predictive analytics

 Two major fraud incidents in the past year have spurred the Social Security Administration to step up its fraud detection and prevention efforts through the use of better analytics. The result is a  fraud prevention unit dedicated to building data analytics to help SSA workers detect and prevent scams. “SSA will apply analytics tools that

Top LinkedIn Groups in 2014 for Analytics, Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science

 We analyze Top 30 LinkedIn Groups for Analytics, Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science. Overall activity drops about 25%, but membership growth accelerates in Q4 2013. We identify 4 group quadrants and find which groups are...

The Well-Rounded Data Scientist

  The work of interpreting data to help decision-makers goes back some 5,000 years to the bureaucrats and businessmen of ancient Sumer. But dealing with the astronomical size and complexity of modern data sets requires a new,...

Five Ways Companies Can Compete Using Big Data and Analytics

 Big data is just that–big–and it’s getting bigger. According to the research firm IDC, the worldwide big data technology and services market will grow at a 27 percent compounded annual rate, to exceed $32 billion by 2017....

Will the rise of self-service BI tools lead to the demise of the data scientist?

 Is this the beginning of the end for the vaunted data scientist? That’s the clever pitch from Tableau Software, one of a handful of business intelligence vendors pushing the envelope on self-service BI tools. Because the software’s...

Sports Analytics Making Line Changes in Hockey and Business

 NHL franchises are slowly embracing the ‘Moneyball’ strategy of using analytics to assist in coaching, training and player evaluation but the league has been behind the other sports for two reasons. Hockey has more of a flow...

Knowing Is Half the Battle: Combating Big Data’s Dark Side Through Data Literacy

 The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is nearing the end of its 90-day review of big data and privacy. Soon, industry leaders, privacy advocates, engineers, and developers expect to learn regulators’ key questions and...

Google Flu Trends’ Failure Shows Good Data > Big Data

 In their best-selling 2013 book Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think, authors Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier selected Google Flu Trends (GFT) as the lede of chapter one. They explained...

Tag management: Emerging areas for predictive analytics

 An exponential increase in data volume only supports an improvement in business practices when the right analytical processes are deployed. Today, even managing real-time data and having a firm grasp on current trends isn’t enough. Without predictive...

Predicting Success

 Many colleges are flirting with how to use predictive analytics to boost their graduation rates. But big data is often just a flashy way to spend money on reports aimed at administrators, argue the leaders of Civitas...

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