Jack Levis will be keynoting at Predictive Analytics World conference in San Francisco Tuesday, March 31, 2015 and in Chicago June 2015. When you have an organization the size of UPS – with 99,000 vehicles and 424,000 employees – every single little bit of efficiency that can be squeezed out of daily operations translates into
Real-time business intelligence is going mainstream, thanks in part to the Storm and Spark open source projects. Here’s how to choose between them. The idea of real-time business intelligence has been around for a while (see the...
For more case studies in predictive healthcare, see Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare, October 2015 in Boston. There has been a lot of buzz about “big data” over the last few years. This is hardly surprising, given...
For more case studies in predictive healthcare, see Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare, October 2015 in Boston. Providers are seeking value in mHealth, but better predictive analytics may be required to make patient-generated health data truly effective....
Twitter data mining could provide governments with an alternative means of measuring unemployment, researchers say. Researchers at universities in Australia, Spain, and the US, in conjunction with UNICEF, have found that Twitter posts can be mined to...
When you survey the most frequent users of analytics and metrics in the corporate world, not surprisingly you find that HR ranks at the very bottom. Compared to finance, which is ranked No. 1, HR compares poorly...
Summary: Is the addition of “Prescriptive” analytics to our nomenclature really worthwhile or are we just confusing our customers? I admit to being annoyed when this or that industry wag tries to coin a new term to...
I read two strangely similar articles last week. One was an article by Vincent Granville, entitled “The 8 worst predictive modeling techniques”. The other was an article on Forbes entitled “America’s 10 Best-Paying Jobs”. What on Earth...
Predictive modeling can lead to some pretty bad insights when done poorly, but overcoming some common issues can help users sidestep problems on predictive analytics projects. Predictive modeling can be a powerful tool to help businesses...
Majority of the insurers cite lack of IT resources as their biggest challenge in implementing anti-fraud technology. Predictive Analytics World for Business, March 29 – April 2, 2015 in San Francisco, will include five (5) sessions on...