What if your online social self could be used to predict whether or not you would be a good fit for a job, sparing job seekers and companies valuable time and money? What if your current job could be improved by your employer months before you ever became sufficiently dissatisfied to seek other employment? What
She was there to help mitigate the disaster that was Healthcare.gov. Now Mina Hsiang is trying to help government “extend democracy” with data — and she says the “easy stuff” can bring in the lion’s share of...
The monumental gathering of the mid-west’s four co-located analytics events is happening June 8th – 11th at the Hilton Chicago. Now is the perfect time to shed light on big data, marketing analytics and predictive analytics. Listen...
This excerpt is from Healthcare Finance News. To view the whole article click here. Video: See Katrina Belt’s session from Predictive Analytics World Health Healthcare in Boston from Oct. 2014. (free registration required!). Experts say analytics gives...
Predictive analytics in healthcare has long been the wave of the future: an ultimate goal to which everyone aspires but few can claim success. While the landscape is changing for healthcare predictive analytics as more organizations figure...
Big data solution providers make big promises. Just plug your data into our solution, they say, and we’ll deliver a stream of insights that allow you to improve marketing productivity, customer experience quality and service operations efficiency....
There is a simple explanation for the 400 percent increase over the last five years in federal agencies’ investments in predictive analytics: Too much data. “The exponential growth in structured and unstructured data is the backdrop of future...
RightShip can predict the likelihood of a vessel causing an incident while at sea Melbourne-based cargo company, RightShip, is turning to predictive analytics to more accurately assess if ships are ready to be sent out to sea....
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — In fashion, combining contrasting fabrics, colors and textures is what brings an outfit to life. In Heng Xu’s career, combining science and art has brought a new way of interpreting data to life...
Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Data Policy DJ Patil with his skateboard March 19, 2015. (Photo: Chris Usher for Yahoo News) DJ Patil is still settling into his White House office. It’s by far the most prestigious...