By: Kenny Darrell, Lead Data Scientist, Elder Research, Inc.
Lauren Harlow Helm, IT Account Executive, Eliassen Group
Will there be enough data scientists in the future? The question sounds like a subplot for a science fiction film, but it has received much attention over the past few years due to the forecast of a substantial shortfall in the industry. A McKinsey study has projected that “by 2018, the United States alone could
In anticipation of the forthcoming Revised and Updated, paperback edition of Eric Siegel’s Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die (coming January 6, 2016—preorder today), read here its Foreword by Thomas...
By: Greta Roberts, CEO, Talent Analytics, Corp.
Imagine that Chris wants to buy a house and needs a mortgage. He applies online and is sent an email by an intern asking to schedule time to discuss his interest. The intern conducts the initial screening...
By: Philip O'Brien, MIS and Portfolio Manager, Paychex
So you have gathered your data and completed your exploration and cleansing. You labored countless hours transforming the data and created a strong model that can revolutionize the way your company sees its clients, makes decisions and...
By: Josh Hemann, Director of Analytic Services, Activision
I have been lucky enough to work in some form of analytics for the past 15 years. In the last five especially, there has been an explosion in opportunities and applications as well as software tools. Lately,...
Greta Roberts, CEO Talent Analytics, Corp.
Human Resources Feels Pressure to Begin Using Predictive Analytics Today’s business executives are increasingly applying pressure to their Human Resources departments to “use predictive analytics”. This pressure isn’t unique to Human Resources as these same business leaders...
By: Dean Abbott, Co-Founder & Chief Data Scientist, SmarterHQ
President, Abbott Analytics
Excerpted and modified from Chapters 3 and 4 of Mr. Abbott’s book Applied Predictive Analytics, Wiley 2014 The Data Understanding stage of a predictive analytics project is intended to uncover the characteristics of the data available for...
By: Brian Laney, VP of Sales, Alert Tech
We’ve heard a lot about how big data is changing the world, and even more about the changes that are still to come. There is more data collected now than at any other point in history, but...
By: Herman Jopia, First Vice President and Data Analytics Manager, American Savings Bank
Introduction One of the main concerns in a credit scoring project is the extraordinary amount of time required for its development, usually months after the data has been collected. Most of this time is concentrated on a...
By: Zach Beaver, Data Scientist, Elder Research, Inc.
A Fateful Tale Ted is having a rough week at work. As a call-center employee, his main focus is on customer retention and offering promotions to his company’s current subscribers. For some reason, his numbers are horrible...
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