Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
The Quant’s Dilemma: Subjectivity In Predictive AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes This is the third of a...
To Deploy Predictive AI, You Must Navigate These Tradeoffs
 Originally published in Forbes This is the second of a...
Data Analytics in Higher Education
 Universities confront many of the same marketing challenges as...
How Generative AI Helps Predictive AI
 Originally published in Forbes, August 21, 2024 This is the...

10 years ago
Video: The Power (and Peril) of Predictive Analytics


This speaker session is from Predictive Analytics World for Business, October, 5–9, 2014 in Boston, MA:

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 Dr. John Elder heads the US’s leading data mining consulting team — with offices in Charlottesville Virginia, Washington DC, Baltimore Maryland, and Manhasset New York. Founded in 1995, Elder Research ( focuses on investment, commercial and security applications of advanced analytics, including text mining, credit scoring, image recognition, process optimization, cross-selling, drug efficacy, market timing, and fraud detection. John obtained a BS and MEE in Electrical Engineering from Rice University, and a PhD in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia, where he’s an adjunct professor teaching Optimization or Data Mining. Prior to 18 years at ERI, he

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