Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
 “Nearly half of S&P 500 companies have talked about...
Predictive AI Streamlines Operations In This Surprisingly Simple Way
 Originally published in Built In, May 22, 2024. Your...
Why You Must Twist Your Data Scientist’s Arm To Estimate AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes, June 11, 2024. If you’ve...
3 Ways Predictive AI Delivers More Value Than Generative AI
 Originally published in Forbes, March 4, 2024. Which kind...

text mining

Big Data Already Paying Off in Insurance Fraud Detection

 There’s a lot of talk right now about how big data is going to change insurance. Artificial intelligence and prescriptive analytics are definitely coming, and they will definitely change the insurance industry. To get a better idea of the specific ways in which big data applications are going to play out, it’s worth examining how

Wise Practitioner – Text Analytics Interview Series: Michael Dessauer and Justin Kauhl at The Dow Chemical Company

 In anticipation of their upcoming conference co-presentation, Understanding our Customers’ Customers’ Customers’ Needs – Text Analytics for B-to-B Businesses at Text Analytics World Chicago, June 21-22, 2016, we asked Michael Dessauer, Data Scientist at The Dow Chemical...

Wise Practitioner – Text Analytics Interview Series: John Herzer and Pengchu Zhang at Sandia National Laboratories

 In anticipation of their upcoming conference co-presentation, Enhancing search results relevance using Word2Vec Language Models at Text Analytics World Chicago, June 21-22, 2016, we asked Pengchu Zhang, Computer Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories, and John Herzer, Enterprise...

Wise Practitioner – Text Analytics Interview Series: Emrah Budur at Garanti Technology

 In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, Tips and Tricks on Developing High-performance Fuzzy Name Search Engine to Prevent Terrorism Financing at Text Analytics World Chicago, June 21-22, 2016, we asked Emrah Budur, Senior Software Engineer at...

Why text analytics is so important in search

 Choosing the right keywords for search is the most important component of getting the results you’re looking for. Everyone knows this, but it’s easier said than done. Even with the most well thought out keywords, search results...

Why (some) Predictive Analytics will Move to the Cloud

A 2012 Gartner survey of over 1300 IT managers and business users already use or plan to use cloud-based or SaaS (Software as a Service) products in the next twelve months. Cloud-based computing is still...