Originally published in The Verge, April 30, 2022. Baidu and Pony.ai have been given permission to operate their autonomous vehicles without safety drivers in Beijing, a first for robotaxi services in China (via CNBC). Although both companies now no longer need...
Originally published in SiliconANGLE, April 4, 2022. Microsoft Corp. today revealed how it has been working with Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to develop and test artificial intelligence models in orbit...
Originally published in France 24, Feb 14, 2022. In a crowded campaign office in Seoul, young, trendy staffers are using deepfake technology to try to achieve the near-impossible: make a middle-aged, establishment South Korean presidential candidate cool....
Originally published in Google AI Blog, April 4, 2022. In recent years, large neural networks trained for language understanding and generation have achieved impressive results across a wide range of tasks. GPT-3 first showed that large language models (LLMs)...
Originally published in Marca, Feb 3, 2022. For over a decade, Russia has been at the forefront of disinformation farms that spread all over the world. Their main goal is to destabilize countries and meddle with election processes...
Originally published in JDSupra, March 3, 2022. The US Copyright Office Review Board (“Board”) rejected a request to register a computer-generated image of a landscape for copyright protection, explaining that a work must be created by a...
Originally published in Google AI Blog, Feb 15, 2022. Machine learning (ML) has become prominent in information technology, which has led some to raise concerns about the associated rise in the costs of computation, primarily the carbon footprint,...