Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
The Rise Of Large Database Models
 Originally published in Forbes Even as large language models have...
3 Predictions For Predictive AI In 2025
 Originally published in Forbes GenAI’s complementary sibling, predictive AI, makes...
The Quant’s Dilemma: Subjectivity In Predictive AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes This is the third of a...
To Deploy Predictive AI, You Must Navigate These Tradeoffs
 Originally published in Forbes This is the second of a...

9 years ago
The Quest for Unicorns

 Will there be enough data scientists in the future? The question sounds like a subplot for a science fiction film, but it has received much attention over the past few years due to the forecast of a substantial shortfall in the industry. A McKinsey study has projected that “by 2018, the United States alone could face a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills.” This deficit is making it increasingly challenging to hire data analysts; because of their rarity, they are now beginning to be described as unicorns. A recent article even magnifies the issue

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