Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
The Quant’s Dilemma: Subjectivity In Predictive AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes This is the third of a...
To Deploy Predictive AI, You Must Navigate These Tradeoffs
 Originally published in Forbes This is the second of a...
Data Analytics in Higher Education
 Universities confront many of the same marketing challenges as...
How Generative AI Helps Predictive AI
 Originally published in Forbes, August 21, 2024 This is the...

8 years ago
Data Story Telling: Bringing Life to Your Data

 There is no doubt that a successful Data Scientist must be proficient in programming, modeling, and data munging (extracting, cleaning, and feature engineering data).  However, there is another key skill that is often overlooked:  the ability to communicate findings clearly and effectively. If you as a Data Scientist cannot motivate the business buy-in to effect change, your powerful model will collect dust on a shelf.  Stakeholders will only trust your model if they understand the value it adds, what has been done to create it, and why it works.  They should not be left to trust you and

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