If you follow the workforce analytics space, you may have read yet another article about moneyball and the innovative people analytics companies leading the way around using data to optimize workforce. There are certainly some fantastic and innovative companies in Silicon Valley and beyond doing great work with predictive analytics – but it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The companies covered in that and other articles can (and should) showcase their work at an exciting new event called Predictive Analytics World – for Workforce, taking place in San Francisco on March 31-April 1, 2015.
If you’re not familiar, the well-established and prestigious Predictive Analytics World series founded by Dr. Eric Siegel now includes 9 annual business-focused predictive analytics events that take place across North America and Europe. They are a valuable resource for forward-thinking leaders to learn about the latest advancements in predictive analytics and how they may be applied to their own business.
At Talent Analytics, we’ve been privileged to present at many of these events over the past few years. In 2015, Talent Analytics CEO Greta Roberts has the honor of being the Chair of the inaugural Predictive Analytics World for Workforce event and taking an active role in continuing to drive the global conversation around predicting employee performance.
Therefore, it’s a privilege to identify 5 reasons the innovative Predictive Analytics World (PAW) for Workforce is different and better than any comparable event.
1. Predictive Analytics conference to solve workforce challenges – not an HR event that dabbles in Analytics.
Unlike many HR-centric events, you won’t find a majority of HR practitioner talks or academics with a sliver of (what passes for) analytics, but in many cases is glorified reporting. Instead, you’ll get real-world examples of predictive analytics applied to solve business challenges and predict outcomes, with tangible business ROI. Note the big emphasis on business ROI (vs HR ROI).
2. Case studies drive the agenda which in turn drives the industry forward.
This event highlights customer case studies, real life examples. If you are a customer, vendor or consultant that has used predictive analytics to solve workforce challenges and have great ROI, perhaps you’d be a great speaker! Sponsorship and speaking opportunities.
3. HR and business leaders can learn from predictive analytics leaders.
PAW for Workforce promises to mix a variety of perspectives. This means HR and line of business leaders with workforce challenges can have high value conversations with their analytics peers who are actively solving these challenges. When new perspectives are shared, true innovation happens.
4. Analytics-friendly audience that cuts across titles or functions.
Regardless of title or level, PAW for Workforce is geared towards Business Leaders and their HR counterparts who are tackling similar workforce-related business challenges that cut across the business. Whether you’re in sales, service or marketing, if you are trying to affect a KPI, perhaps by increasing employee performance or decreasing employee churn or attrition, you’ll find significant value from attending. The only requisite to attending is an openness to learn!
5. Predictive Workforce Analytics is Much Bigger than HR.
Just as predictive analytics have been applied for years to effectively predict customer, voter or patient behavior, the next logical step is to predict employee behavior and tie it directly to business performance. PAW for Workforce will showcase speakers that understand predictive workforce analytics is much bigger than HR or even the oft-repeated moneyball conversation. Predictive analytics offers an unprecedented opportunity for analysis and if there are employees in your organization there’s literally no reason you can’t get started today. The question is what are you waiting for?
We hope to see you there!
Mike Kennedy is an Analytics Evangelist at Talent Analytics, Corp. He can be reached via mike [at] talentanalytics [dot] com and @talentanalytics on twitter.
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