Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
The Great AI Myth: These 3 Misconceptions Fuel It
 Originally published in Forbes, July 29, 2024. The hottest thing...
How to Sell a Machine Learning Project
 Originally published in Built In, February 6, 2024. Never...
The 3 Things You Need To Know About Predictive AI
 Originally published in Forbes, June 29, 2024. Some problems are...
Alphabet Uses AI To Rush First Responders To Disasters—Takeaways For Businesses
 Originally published in Forbes, July 7, 2024. The National Guard...

maching learning

Machine Learning is Transforming Modern Healthcare

 The pandemic has propelled the adoption of innovation and technology in healthcare. Telemedicine visits have spiked as more providers embrace new digital front doors to the healthcare system. Among the technologies fueling innovation in the healthcare sector, machine learning is perhaps the most promising. Machine learning frameworks are making an impact where it matters most

How AI Could Help Translate the Written Language of Ancient Civilizations

 Originally published in University of Chicago News, March 11, 2020 OI, Computer Science scholars collaborate on program to read cuneiform tablets. Twenty-five centuries ago, the “paperwork” of Persia’s Achaemenid Empire was recorded on clay tablets—tens of thousands...