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Agenda Overview � Healthcare � October 23 - 26, 2016
Pre-Conference Workshop: Sunday, October 23, 2016
Three hour WorkshopRoom 1A02
R Bootcamp: For Newcomers to R
Max Kuhn, Pfizer
Full-day WorkshopRoom 1A03
Big Data: Proven Methods You Need
to Extract Big Value

Vladimir Barash, Graphika

Pre-Conference Workshop: Monday, October 24, 2016
Full-day WorkshopRoom 1A23
R for Predictive Modeling:
A Hands-On Introduction

Max Kuhn, Pfizer
Full-day WorkshopRoom 1A24
Advanced Methods Hands-on:
Predictive Modeling Techniques

Dean Abbott, Abbott Analytics, Inc
Sponsored by: Dell Statistica Logo

Day 1: Tuesday, October 25, 2016
(Business-focused PAW runs in parallel on this day - dual registration required)
All sessions will take place in Room 1A10
8:00-8:30am Registration & Networking Breakfast
Room: Exhibit Area 1A
8:30-8:35am Conference Founder Remarks
Eric Siegel, Predictive Analytics World
8:35-8:55am Conference Chair Welcome
Jeff Deal, PAW Healthcare
Real World Data and the Transformation of Healthcare
Marty Kohn, Sentrian Health
10:00-10:30am Exhibits & Morning Coffee Break
Room: Exhibit Area 1A
Proactive Care Management
Case Study: St. Joseph Healthcare
Real-Time, Clinical Driven Predictive Analytics for Care Management
William Wood, MD; St. Joseph Healthcare
Jessica Taylor, RN; St. Joseph Healthcare
Improving ER Utilization and Efficiency
The Best of Both Worlds: Predictive Modeling Using Both Health Plan and Hospital Data
Scott Zasadil, Ph.D, UPMC Health Plan
12:05-1:40pm Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Room: Exhibit Area 1A
12:15- 1:05pm
Lunch and Learn
Practical Advice for Integrating Predictive Analytics Into Your Clinical Care Management Workflow
William Wood, MD; St. Joseph Healthcare
Jessica Taylor, RN; St. Joseph Healthcare
Alan Eisman, HBI Solutions, Inc
1:40-2:30pm Special Plenary Session
Doing Space-Age Analytics with Our Hunter-Gatherer Brains
Dr. John Elder, Elder Research, Inc.
Device Failure Analytics
Reducing Service Costs by Predicting Device Failures
Ion Nemteanu, Becton Dickinson
Increasing Program Enrollment
Case Study: Kaiser Permanente
Ready to Quit? Using Predictive Analytics to Increase Enrollment
in Smoking Cessation Programs

Melanie McLeod, Kaiser Permanente
3:25-3:55pm Exhibits & Afternoon Break
Room: Exhibit Area 1A
Early Warning System Development
Case Study: University of Virginia Health System
Developing a Custom Severe Sepsis Early Warning System for Deployment into Epic

John Ainsworth, University of Virginia Health System
Retrospective and Real Time Clinical Evaluation
Predictive Models for Retrospective and Real Time Evaluation of Septic Shock
Benjamin Dummitt, Ph.D.; Mercy Virtual
5:30-7:00pm Networking Reception
Room: Exhibit Area 1A

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Day 2: Wednesday, October 26, 2016
(Business-focused PAW runs in parallel on this day - dual registration required)

All sessions will take place in Room 1A10
8:00-9:05am Registration & Networking Breakfast
Room: Exhibit Area 1A
9:05-9:10am Conference Chair Welcome
Jeff Deal, PAW Healthcare
Predictive Analytics, Genomics, and Precision Medicine -
Separating the Hype from the Reality

Nephi Walton, Washington University School of Medicine; BrainSpin
Ken Yale, JD, DDS, ActiveHealth Management
Managing EHR Systems
Case Study: Montefiore Medical Center
Re-Engineering Electronic Health Record Systems to Facilitate Clinical
Analytics in the Intensive Care Unit

Michelle Gong, MD; Montefiore Medical Center
10:50-11:15am Exhibits & Morning Coffee Break
Room: Exhibit Area 1A
Preventative Care Analytics
Case Study: Omada Health
What Healthcare Can Learn from Netflix: Building Personalization
and Optimization into Preventative Care

Eric Williams, Ph.D.; Omada Health
12:00-1:15pm Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Room: Exhibit Area 1A
Brain-Machine Interface Technology: Separating Hope from Hype

Wasim Malik, Ph.D.,Harvard/MIT Laboratory for Neuromotor Signal Processing
2:00-2:15pm Sponsor Presentation
Big Data Challenges and Best Practices

Thomas Hill, Dell Software Group
2:15-3:00pm Expert Panel
Predictive Analytics in Healthcare: What's Behind the Slow Adoption?
Moderator: Jeff Deal, PAW Healthcare
Wasim Malik, Ph.D.,Harvard/MIT Laboratory for Neuromotor Signal Processing
Nephi Walton, Washington University School of Medicine; BrainSpin
Ken Yale, JD, DDS, ActiveHealth Management
3:00-3:30pm Exhibits & Afternoon Break
Room: Exhibit Area 1A
Clinical and Operational Decision Analytics
Predicting Colorectal Cancer Mortality
David Anderson, Ph.D, Baruch College
Identifying Fraud
Case Study: Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, Indiana
Identifying Prescription Drug Fraud and Abuse
Jaya Tripathi, MITRE Corporation

Post-Conference Workshop: Thursday, October 27, 2016
Full-day WorkshopRoom 1A23
The Best and the Worst of Predictive Analytics:
Predictive Modeling Methods and Common Data Mining Mistakes

Dr. John Elder, Elder Research, Inc.
Full-day WorkshopRoom 1A24
Supercharging Prediction with Ensemble Models
Dean Abbott, Abbott Analytics
Sponsored by:
Full-day WorkshopRoom 1A11
Hadoop for Predictive Analytics: Hands-On Lab
James Casaletto, MapR Technologies

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Program by: Elder Research, Inc.
Elder Research, Inc.

Produced by Prediction Impact, Inc. and Rising Media, Inc.

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