Analytics Workshops
Predictive Analytics World, March 4-10, 2012 in San Francisco
Sunday, March 4
R for Predictive Modeling:
A Hands-On Introduction
Full-day: 9:00am - 4:30pm
- This one-day session provides a hands-on introduction to R, the well-known open-source platform for data analysis.
Max Kuhn
Nonclinical Statistics
Wednesday, March 7
Modeling Methods: The Best and
the Worst of Predictive Analytics
Full-day: 9:00am - 4:30pm
- The key inner workings of leading algorithms, case studies demonstrating their performance and comparison of merits.
John Elder, Ph.D.CEO and Founder
Elder Research
Thursday, March 8
Advanced Methods Hands-on:
Predictive Modeling Techniques
Full-day: 8:45am - 4:30pm
- Dive in hands-on employing the key predictive analytics algorithms, and gain experience with leading software.
Dean Abbott
Abbott Analytics
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Thursday, March 8
Making Text Mining Work: Practical Methods and Solutions
Full-day session: 9:00am - 4:30pm
- The text mining solutions available now, the problems for which they are best suited and best practices in text mining.
Andrew Fast
Director of Research
Elder Research, Inc.
Fri/Sat, March 9-10
Net Lift Models: Optimizing the Impact of Your Marketing
Full days: 9:00am - 4:30pm
- The true effectiveness of a marketing campaign isn't response rate, it is the incremental impact - that is, the difference it makes. This is an entirely different thing to model.
Kim Larsen
Vice President
Analytical Insights, MarketShare
Predictive Analytics Applied –
An Online Introduction
Online 5 ½-hour training program – on demand
- New to predictive analytics? Take this online course instructed by the chair of PAW to ramp up before the conference. On-demand access at any time.
Eric Siegel Ph.D.
Conference Chair
Predictive Analytics World
For more on text analytics, see the co-located
conference, Text Analytics World