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Strengthen the business impact

delivered by predictive analytics

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Registration Now Open!
Keynote Speakers:
Darrell Issa
Congressman Darrell Issa
House Committee on Oversight
and Government Reform
Eric Devaney
Earl Devaney
Recovery Accountability
and Transparency Board
John F. Elder, CEO and Founder, Elder Research
David Williams
Inspector General
John F. Elder, CEO and Founder, Elder Research
John F. Elder
CEO, Elder Research, Inc.,
and General Chair,

Predictive Analytics World for Government:
September 12-13, 2011 in Washington, DC
Venue: The Ronald Reagan Building

Predictive Analytics World for Government ( is the first vendor-neutral predictive analytics conference for the government, designed to help agency managers understand how they can apply predictive analytics to more effectively and efficiently accomplish their mission.

Case Studies. Predictive Analytics World for Government focuses on concrete examples of deployed predictive analytics. The leading agencies have signed up to tell their stories, so you can hear from the horse's mouth precisely how Federal, State, and Local analytics competitors and other top practitioners deploy predictive modeling, and what kind of impact it delivers.

PAW-Gov’s inaugural program features case studies from Federal, State, and Local agencies so you can witness how predictive analytics is applied by:

Hot Topics and Advanced Methods: PAW-Gov’s agenda covers fraud detection, improper payment detection, workforce analytics, law enforcement / crime prevention, claims processing, threat detection / homeland security, cyber security, food safety, grants management, hotspot detection, optimization of facilities, text mining, link analysis, supervised/unsupervised predictive modeling, crowdsourcing, ensemble models, and other innovative applications that benefit government organizations in new and creative ways.

Join PAW-Gov and access the premier keynotes, sessions, workshops, exposition, expert panel, networking coffee breaks, reception, lunches, Federal, State, and Local government leaders, and industry experts in applying predictive analytics.

Who Should Attend? PAW-Gov is for government executives, program managers, financial and HR managers, CIOs and CTOs, law enforcement, and analytics professionals, showcasing case studies of government agencies applying predictive analytics and data mining to drive smarter decisions from data.

Workshops: PAW-Gov will also feature two full-day post-conference workshops by PAW-Gov Conference Chair Dr. John Elder and Dean Abbott that complement the core conference program.

What is predictive analytics? See the Predictive Analytics Guide

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Elder Research


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Program by: Elder Research, Inc.
Elder Research, Inc.

Produced by Prediction Impact, Inc. and Rising Media, Inc.

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